Policy Management
Hull, Liability, Add'l Insured, and Pre-Booking
- Additional Coverages: Medical Expenses & Personal Injury
- How do I remove a drone or equipment from my drone policy?
- How can I get a Waiver of Subrogation?
- Can I get specific wording on my COI?
- How do I increase the liability on my current monthly policy? (Web instructions)
- How do I update my monthly policy's liability limit?(mobile app instructions)
- How do I update my hull inventory? (mobile app instructions)
- How to update my hull inventory? (web portal instructions)
- How do I add/change an additional insured on my existing on-demand policy certificate?
- How do modify my hull insurance? (Mobile app instructions)
- How do I add/change my additional insured on my existing annual/monthly policy?
- How to schedule/pre-book an hourly insurance policy?
- How do I manage my monthly policy's auto renewal?
- Who can be included as an Additional Insured?
- How can I set up/change my profile details?
- Can I add an additional insured to my policy?
- How do I add an Additional Insured onto my policy through the app?